Census Information

The Annual Town Census is required under M.G.L. Ch. 51, Section 4, and is mailed to all known addresses in town during the month of January. Upon receipt of the census form, please verify the information, sign and date the form and return it to the Town Clerk’s office within 10 days.

Compliance with this State Statute provides proof of residence to protect voting rights, veterans' bonus, housing for the elderly and related benefits as well as providing information for the selection of jurors.

The census form DOES NOT register you as a voter! If you would like to register to vote or change your registration click here

Per Massachusetts General Law, if a voter fails to respond to the annual street list, they will be placed on the inactive voters list and we will send out a confirmation notice, which the voter is asked to sign and return.

On Election Day, some voters may find that their names have been placed on the list of inactive voters. The inactive voters list is made up of registered voters who have not responded to the annual census or subsequent confirmation notice. Inactive voters remain registered to vote until they fail to vote in two consecutive biennial state elections.

Inactive voters are restored to the active voters list any time they complete an affirmation of current and continuous residence, fill out a new voter registration form, or submit anything to us which is signed under penalty of perjury and confirms the voter's address.

If you didn't receive a census, or if you have misplaced the one we sent, here is a blank form that you can fill and return:   BLANK CENSUS FORM

Please mail the form to:  Town Clerk - 1 Liberty Lane
or place in the drop box next to the door at the rear of the building.